How much does it cost?
Higgins Airways is an LLC that charges for the aircraft at a flat rate of $140.00 per hour plus 6% Pennsylvania State Sales Tax. The flight instructor rate is billed at $25.00 per hour. Ground school is free to make allowance for the vast differences in education and to make sure that everyone meets the academic standard.
Is it safe?
Yes it is, but there are variables to any operation. We help to keep the statistics on our side by having maintenance conducted by an outside corporation that has received top tier recognition in excellence by the Federal Aviation Administration. Additionally, you will be taught “Threat and Error Management”, a concept that involves controlling variables of personal health, setting personal minimums on weather, recency of experience, familiarity with aircraft type, weight and balance, calculating runway length required, effects of air temperature on density altitude, checklist discipline, familiarity of route to be flown and usage of outside help that might include Air Traffic Control, Flight Service or even a phone call to an instructor prior to dispatch.
Do I need perfect vision?
No, corrected vision is outlined in the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations. Even a demonstrated color blindness waiver can sometimes allow you to be legally certified to fly.
Is there a pilot shortage?
Yes there is. There is a significant problem in acquiring experienced pilots all around the world. The worst year for the airlines will be in 2026. In America alone, one pilot is forecast to retire every four hours for that entire year. The airlines are already “parking” older aircraft types and discontinuing smaller regional service; two regional airlines have already ceased operations citing the loss of crew to major airlines being the primary cause. The situation will become dire for the entire airline industry.
What is a realistic time frame to become a Private Pilot?
It depends on the weather, time frame between lessons, prior education, motivation and personal time set aside for study. The country average to become a Private Pilot is almost 70 hours of logged flight time. The “quick” courses that are advertised often do not reflect the actual time taken by the applicant.
How long does it take before I can apply for an airline?
It depends. For somebody going through a production style program in an area of the country with good weather, you could be at a regional airline within three years. If you choose that course of action, you will need to finance the education and not hold outside activities or employment in order to stay on schedule. For somebody who wants to maintain employment and flight instruct in Western Pennsylvania, it would realistically take five to six years. Unless you go through an academic program that is waivered from the minimum requirements, you will need 1,500 hours to serve in any capacity on an airline flight deck.
Can you still fly if you were arrested?
It depends for what and how long ago. All criminal background checks are evaluated by the FAA in Oklahoma. If you have had a history of driving that includes drugs or alcohol, you should NOT lie about it on your application. Falsification will lead to Mandatory Federal Sentencing, normally for a minimum of one year in prison.
Do you qualify for VA Funding?
No. We are not a full-time academic institution. To get VA funding you will need to go through a full-time program and with some exceptions have to attend a tertiary college.